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Non-Dun 1 and Dun Factor
We take a look at how Non-Dun 1 (nd1) works with Dun Factor Promoter Genes.
Shade Expression + DFP2
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence the appearence of Dun Factor 2 on base colors.
Black Based Coats + DFP1
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence shade and expression of DFP1 on Black Based Coats. Gru...
Agouti Based Coats + DFP1
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence shade and expression of DFP1 on Bay and Brown Based Coa...
Red Based Coats + DFP1
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence shade and expression of DFP1 on Red Based Coats. Red D...
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