Want to Write for the Wiki? Become a Contributor!
Do you see gaps, empty pages, or missing information on this wiki? You're welcome to become a contributor!
Getting Started
The HorseGeneticsGame Wiki is currently in need of content writers. To get started, you'll need to create a BookStack account (click the "sign up" button on the site header) and request access to edit the wiki. Make sure to use your HorseGeneticsGame player name as your BookStack username. Only HorseGeneticsGame players will be approved to become HorseGeneticsGame Wiki editors.
While you're waiting to be approved, please check out the Player Wiki Chat in the pan-server chat room listing of the Buddy Chat Lobby and/or join the HAJ Wiki Discord. There, you'll meet the rest of the team where you can collaborate and discuss writing content and making updates to the HorseGeneticsGame Wiki. If you're not sure what to do, these two communities are your resource, so don't hesitate to ask questions!
Creating Content
Once you're approved as a HorseGeneticsGame Wiki editor, you can start creating and editing content! If you have something in mind that you'd like to work on, that's great! If not, feel free to ask for guidance on the Player Wiki Chat or discord or offer to help another editor with their content. For technical help in working with BookStack, please refer to their documentation. If you're still having trouble, feel free to ask for help on the Player Wiki Chat or discord.
Before you begin editing a page, please make sure it isn't currently being worked on by another player since BookStack has minimal version conflict handling. Then, when you find a page you'd like to write or improve, feel free to make your edits! If you're not sure what to include in your page or how to format it, try taking a look at other pages on the wiki to see what content is already covered elsewhere and how it is laid out. The wiki project also has an article of editors' resources that will become visible as soon as you're approved. It includes a style sheet to ensure consistent spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting throughout the wiki. Please refer to this before polishing off your writing or whenever you're helping proofread or edit another member's content.
Please be careful not to delete pages on the wiki as this action cannot be undone and there are no automatic backups!
Keep it Up!
The purpose of this wiki is to provide a resource that is always up to date with game updates, changes, and new content. It's powered by you, the HorseGeneticsGame player, so if you see content that is out of date, incorrect, or otherwise in need of improvement, it's up to you to make it right.
Let's make this wiki shine!