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How Do Appaloosa Genes Work Together
Appaloosa Spotting Genes are some of the most complex Genetics in Hunt&Jump, they work together and react to one another in such a way, that every horse is unique. Proposed Talking Points In Game Vocabulary How Do Appaloosa Genes Work Together In Game...
Interactions of Appaloosa Spotting with Other Genes
Appaloosa Spotting Genes react with Non-Appaloosa Genetics, making them a little hard to predict and breed true. However this article is here to help you better understand how things like Pigment Density can produce larger spots. Proposed Talking Points I...
Interactions of Appaloosa Spotting with Fantasy Genes
The following information has been pieced together from various sources, in hopes of helping the reader better understand H&J's Appaloosa Spotting Genetics. Proposed Talking Points In Game Vocabulary How Does Appaloosa Spotting Work with Fantasy Genes ...
Study #1: PATN1 + LPP1/LPP2
This study looks at how LPP1 and LPP2 interact with PATN1 when Varnish Promoters are present, and Darkening Genes are added. Study #1: 8yo Bay Appaloosa Mare LPP1/LPP2E/E, A/A, f/-, P/P, W20/-, LP/-, PATN1/PATN1, LPP1/LPP2, Vrn/Vrn Removing LP Promoter Gene...
Study #2: Appaloosa + Halo
This study looks at how Appaloosas with Halo Spots react when their Base Colors change. Study #1: 8yo Black Appaloosa MareE/e, a/a, LP/-, LPP1/LPP2 Adding Varnish Regulator 2 (H/H) Non-Halo Black LP/-, LPP1/LPP2, H/H Bay L...
Study #3: Appaloosa Spot Regulator (ASR1)
This study looks at how ASR1 is influenced by other genes. Study #3: 1yo Bay AppaloosaE/e, A/A, LP/-, PATN1/-, ASR1/ASR1 Removing ASR1 Genes Bay LP/-, PATN1/-, ASR1/- Bay LP/-, PATN1/- ASR1 is an incomplete dominate gene, an...
Study #4: Appaloosa Spotting + Pigment Density Regulator (Bl)
This study looks at how the Pigment Density Regulator (Bl) interacts with Appaloosa Spotting and different Base Colors. Study #4: 9yo Chestnut Appaloosa (e/e, A/A, f/f, p/p, LP/-, PATN1/-, Vrn/-) Chestnut + Pigment Density Regulator (Bl) No Darkeni...
Barn Builders: Show Time (WIP)
This Show-grounds themed Tack Pack was released during the 2023 Winter Event and was a collaboration with the H&J Community Members. Misc Item artwork created by Jenx. It's available year around and costs 10 IVs to purchase. Backgrounds These backgrounds we...
Member Moving Mashup Backgrounds (WIP)
This collection of backgrounds was created in 2024 by members of Hunt&Jump to help fund the H&J Team's international move. This tack pack (and move) couldn't have been done without them! It's available year around and each set of tack packs costs 1 IV to purch...
Cloning for the Limited Era Clubs
This article will discuss how to get horses on top of the current Era Leaderboard, via using Cloning and Maxing. Key points will be in bold. This is only available to Premium Upgrades. As of August 1, 2024 there are new changes that will impact Era Leaderboa...
What is Dun Factor Promoter?
This article will discuss the basics of Dun Factor Promoter, what it is and how it works in game. Proposed Talking Points In Game Vocabulary The Dun Factor Genes Restrictions & Availability Rules of Dun Factor In Game Vocabulary In Game Vocabulary...
Red Based Coats + DFP1
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence shade and expression of DFP1 on Red Based Coats. Red Dun Brindle (e/e, A/A, D/-, DFP1/DFP1) Looking at the chart below, as we add darkening genes like Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin, the horses coat becomes darker and t...
Agouti Based Coats + DFP1
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence shade and expression of DFP1 on Bay and Brown Based Coats. Bay Dun Brindle (E/e, A/A, D/-, DFP1/DFP1) Looking at the chart below, as we add darkening genes like Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin, the horses coat becomes da...
Black Based Coats + DFP1
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence shade and expression of DFP1 on Black Based Coats. Grullo Dun Brindle (E/e, a/a, D/-, DFP1/DFP1) Unlike Chestnut and Bay based horses, Black doesn't react with Darkening Genes. So you wont see a color shift when addi...
Shade Expression + DFP2
How Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin influence the appearence of Dun Factor 2 on base colors.
Non-Dun 1 and Dun Factor
We take a look at how Non-Dun 1 (nd1) works with Dun Factor Promoter Genes.