Recently Updated Subsections
The Advanced Tack Editor
Do we need to include terms like stud and broodmare? Those are really basic but it's possible tha...
HaJ Ambassadors
About nominating horses to be selected to become HaJ Ambassadors.
Using Straws
No upgrade required, How to Pull Straws, How to Use Straws, Obtaining Straws from Other Players. ...
Pasture Breeding
Discuss the pros and cons of using pastures to breed. Discuss auto-breeding. Why can't I breed m...
Training Your Horses
Manual training vs. auto training with upgrade. Foals can start training when they turn 2 years o...
Breeding Stock & Your Show String: Understanding Breeding Advice and Performance Testing
(working title) (Concept: there's "How to Read Genetic Test Results" to expound on that test, so...
Basic Information About Accounts
How to create a new account. Free accounts are limited to three per household. All accounts withi...
What are Punnett Squares, Genes, Alleles, Loci ...?
Genetics basics You’re finally getting good at Hunt & Jump, and ready to get serious about breed...
Breeding Just For Shows: Bootstrapping
Posted To Bluegrass Server by Ammit 1-23-19 A working example of uneven breeding and pasture bon...
Testing Your Horses
(Copied over from breeding section: should stick to simple explanations of what the tests are mea...
How to Decide Which Horses to Breed
Discuss: Understanding genetics and inheritance, lethal genes (why did my foal not survive), bree...
Breeding Season
When breeding season starts and ends. What happens when it ends? Foals need to be removed from pa...
Bootstrapping: The Quickest Way to Build a Show Herd
Definition: What is bootstrapping? How to get started: tips for finding a stud, saving space b...
Generations And Lined Breeding
Discuss the difference between foundations and lined horses, and even vs uneven breeding (no game...
Height & Bone: What Happens If I Cross A Riding Pony With A Draft?
About the heights and bone weights of horses, what happens if you cross them, how these traits ar...
Important information about geldings and spayed mares!
Important information about geldings and spayed mares! While they may not be able to procreate, ...
Advanced Facilities
What Are They? The Advanced Facilities section provides you with access to the very be...
Lethal White: Why Did My Foal Not Survive? (under construction by Stormwood)
Hunt and Jump utilizes real life genetics, which is one of the coolest parts of the game! Letha...
The Gift Exchange
Held each June and December, the Gift Exchange (GE) is a special event where players anonymously ...