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Phenotype Variation (in Uncategorized)

Should we have an article like this to talk about the variation that can still happen among horses that have the same genotype?...


Glossary, plus other resources like charts, tables, "cheat sheets" that appear in other guides could also be found separately h...

Search and Other Game Mechanics

How to: use the search tool, change fonts in owner's notes, etc.

Showing Your Horses

Introduction to training, showing, and points.

Signing Up

Special Events

Rundown of each create event (sea/candy pony, special color events) and when they might be held, H&J birthday event in June, th...

Tack Packs

Information about tack packs and tacking up your horses.

Tattoos: Labeling and Organizing Your Horses

Did you know that there are more ways to label and organize the horses in your herd? This section discusses tattoos, tattoo slo...



Our makeshift trash bin before we delete stuff for sure.

Upgrades and Add-ons

About account upgrades and purchases, additional barns, pastures, game cash, tokens, and rare genes. Real money purchasing only...

Where Can I Get More Horses? (in Uncategorized)

Potential article to add. Basic buying and selling. Could be merged as a section in Your First Horses after "Pointed Creates." ...

Your First Horses

Learning about your first horses in the game. Should the player be encouraged to only create horses at this point or should the...

zSome info (Sample Article)


zTest article